Sunday, December 11, 2016


      Can only remember only certain moments of our lives that are random when we were children. Like if you think about it its so random but something I our mind ticked that moment to stored in our brain. I wish I could physically watch moments like that like a move. OH and another thing I really wish I could see how I look through someone else's eyes. I heard when you look in the mirror you look little different then you see yourself..... SHIT that means I am uglier then I look!


 Remember that time you ate that spicy shrimp just before you went to bed on the night before the big Party?  Oh, that weird dream you had about the 2016 presidential election.  When you woke up you couldn't quite remember the Extraordinary details, but after reading "On Self-Reliance" and "A Sound of Thunder" it's all coming back to you now.

The dream started badly.  You were in line with your family at a room waiting to be sent to boarding school.  Everywhere you looked there were posters of president-elect Justin Bieber, looking like a crazy kangaroo who could eat a whole heaifer.  

Suddenly, there was Ralph Waldo Emerson telling you, "every heart vibrate to that iron strings"  You realized that you have something to contribute to the world so you decided to change.  But it wasn't easy.  First you had to put on a fancy hat and cat and then you had make a cake to go back in time to the library so you could convince people to learn about the candidates and the global warming.

But right there in the crowd there was a giant bear and it started smiling at everyone.  People started to scream.  You grabbed a frog from a nearby walmart and yelled I believe .  Everyone stopped and listened, so you kept going.

 believe you are truly amazing because you are a walking work of art. Stop lying to yourself and convince yourself everything you keep saying your not. Worthless, nothing, shit, and horrible when reality is your freaken great! Why keep tearing your heart apart why you should be trying to make it bigger! Seriously stop it! You think your mom when be proud of you for ripping yourself apart and not accepting a positive complement about yourself uhhhh I don't think so.....

Vignette in time..

  Twilight saga was freaken amazing! Everyone in theaters wearing their Team Edward and Team Jacob shirts loving but hating each other. I miss when it was a Twilight faze for a while.... #TeamEdward

Emeresons Child

          Emerson would be so disappointed in all students and teachers. Students are totally the opposite of self reliant. Emerson would try to inspire everyone to stop trying to be like everyone else. High school lives for some reason always seem like they want to be wanted to fit in. When they should just be the perfect soul they are. Emerson would tell students that school is the place you should able to set your mind, inner self, and art free. Its where your mind is open and takes in beautiful new things.
         Emerson's view and for careers aspirations on for our school would be to change our schools environment. Not the way it looks because we practically live there but to change the way students think. He clearly wants everyone to follow their dreams and passions. I think if he was a teacher at Santa Maria High school would have a really high percent rate of students doing the careers they truly want to do. Why make people proud when your going to live 80ish years and your going to have live with being a something you don't want to be and are not! Like what? No sounds super depressing but its the sad reality of some peoples lives that don't want to disappoint.
       Emerson would suggest I do the first passion that come to mind after high school. He'd believe that if school isn't it then why do it. Students will be motivated to show the living talents to the world like every peace of art that walks the earth.

An Earth Shattering Fart

The sound of thunder was astonishing! I think it really unlocks readers minds of viewing about faint can work in crazy ass ways. I liked this story because it kept asking your mind "whats next?!" I thought it was pretty messed up Travis killed Eckels because I feel he was so harmful. Eckels reminded me of a little Chihuahua, shakes gets nervous for everything and gullible. This story was pretty cool...

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Immigrants in our own land (groupness)

A. When I read Jessica's blog I didn't imagine the poem the way she described it, but I guess I kind of see it now.... I thought of it more of a persons expectations are not always the way they expect to see them. People are told about certain things in the world that will benefit one person of what they want but not see the other view or side of the other, for example "it's going to help and benefit you later in life" or " these changes are better then yours" which is bull shit for SOME thing's because not ALL sides are being understood. I feel it all depends on the individual. I feel this poem is more of how immigrants feel and are treated. They are treated as if they are prisoners, handled like criminals, rapist, and worthless. Won't develop and advance to the "American World" yennow the feeling of "making America great again" (damn it Donald). I like they way Santiago is describing his feelings through his eyes, showing us as if we are him. Also showing the reality and big picture how people are really fucked up to each other without noticing or considering what they truly deserve, which is respect, seeing how everyone has their own problems, or realization of how people move to different places for a better life.

B. The theme of this poem I feel is the reality of life to everyone, not just immigrants. I was told the answer is false hope. I may be wrong but I feel its more then that, it shows us how sometimes we expect things in life to go smoothly or work out great but that's not how it works because this world sucks at times. Expect the un-expected. I say its the reality of life because everyone in some, most, one part of their life is treated like a "prisoner".
     The mood for me is not depressing or sad but mind blowing and mind explosion. It's like this poem tells it how it is, no roses are red violets are blue life sucks just like you type of poem. ( I mean its not telling us in a sweet or horrible way I guess). I see how Santiago compares his not so great and failed life to people are or so called successful.
    The Devices are symbolism and free verse. He expressed his opinion and facts in a very touching way..... shows us the real world of bitter and sweet life.

C. I don't know what to change because my questions and answers... well mainly my questions always change. But I guess one is, Why are people treated so horrible specially people that come around the world for a better life? My question will never be factually answered in a life time sadly...

Monday, November 7, 2016


Leslie: Twenty one pilots quotes
-stressed out we don't realize what we have when we are young and when we are younger we don't care what people think
-heathens don't follow social norm
-we don't believe that's on tv
holding on to you
Tyler joseph could have been talking about how society twists the things the way he says things
-clear fake face because he's scared for people to judge him for who he really is
Opinion- connected with her because its her favorite band

thinks people should be more self Reliant but at the same time doesn't agree because we still continue to do the things and don't change

Cesar: GENUS
when you become something big like a boss stay true to your self and don't change

Katryna and ...: pictures of how everyeone doesnt go there own way

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

One teacher that has really impacted my life

"Do your best and push through the struggles. I believe in you! You have true natural talent."

                                                                                                                                     - Mr.Soto


Dr. Preston's English Language & Composition 2016-2017: i just sued the school system: Thanks Leo for sharing this:


okay honey, you see this rock this represents you and do you see the other rocks? Well those represent your friends, family, and people in this world. Now lets look at this rock I am holding see how it looks almost the same as the others, well its not. This rock has different colors in different places and it's a different shape. It may be similar but it is its own little rock, it may sometimes try to roll with other rocks or try to be another rock but it always stays the same, but if it doesn't let a bigger rock break it or make it another color. This little rock is Special in its own way, it was formed to be different. You are the rock, why? Because you are a unique little one and one day kids at school or grown ups will try to bring you down with words or make you feel really sad. But when things like that happen you have to remember you are you and only you. Don't care what they say because you are the strong rock that rolls the opposite way, likes the fact that you have different colors and different chips. Stay the diamond you really are, you just continue to smile and shine like your suppose to be.

How our Socratic Seminar went...


Socratic Seminar (when Doc tells us to continue it from yesterday)

" I hate this shit" -Kissel

Emerson and I opinion

I really think Emerson is not just trying to say the basic "Be yourself" crap! I feel he's tryna get it though one individual of how special they really are. Everyone in my eyes is their own unique person and just have a different way about them self. I understand what Leslie was trying to say in class but I just feel this is different and it actually spoke to a lot of people because to me what I understood was "Stop being a dumbass and trying to be like someone else. Do what makes you feel happy because you are the only person that can make yourself happy, forget everyone's shit. If you want to go cliff diving then fuck it just do it" Shout out to Bridget ! For summing everything up and making it sound so beautiful! your statement was amazing love! you have the most amazing voice why? because your opinions, ideas, and thoughts FREAKEN AWESOME!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Self-Relience qoutes from class (EMERSON SAID IT)

"In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts they came back to us with a certain alienated majesty.Great works of art have no more affecting lesson for us than this"
" every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events. "
( this spoke to me because the methapor and how it gave me the inspired feeling  I cant describe
"Meantime nature is not slow to equip us in the prison-uniform of the party to which we adhere."
(its not just a basic way to tell you to be your self its a unique way)
""Ne te quaesiveris extra."
"We are society" -Dr.Preston 
"Everyman ..." (people will change)

I'm self-Relient

•writing for adults not teens or children
•Learn helpless
•so inspiring makes me feel a little more confident about myself or just the look on others.
"In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts they come back to us with I certain alienated majesty. Great works of art have no affecting lesson for us than this."

Author in Progress

I feel my writing could have been way better because I didn't fully read the whole essay and didn't truly understand same of his coolness. I do know I tried my hardest on answering the questions I feel I did well on getting the main points across and Ass a little opinion. I can improve by asking more questions in class and looking for examples or asking others.

Monday, October 10, 2016


When it comes to the elections of this year many people can anticipate these two candidates to surely accuse each other from doings of the past. Each canadate tries to remain stolid but Hilary definitely outbeats trump. It's aggravating because trump and Hilary are constantly sticking their proboscis into everyone's business and venomously attacking each other. With each debate America is left suspended to watch the next one just to see the two yell at each other. Both Candidates try to hypnotize the world into thinking their fit to be president trying to prove that they can transform this world into something greater, but they simply just illuminate each other's faults.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

I don't understand ?

I'm mentally tired I want to give up on school ,stop trying, just go to Hancock and be the basic graduate from Santa Maria High School ....

Monday, October 3, 2016

Vocabulary fall list #5

1.venomous-(of a person or their behavior) full of malice or spite
2.stolid-(of a person) calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation.
3.hypnotized-capture the whole attention of (someone); fascinate:
4.suspended-hang (something) from somewhere:
5.transformed-make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of:
6.accuse-charge (someone) with an offense or crime:
7.anticipate-regard as probable; expect or predict:
8.fringe-an ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tassels or twists, used to edge clothing or material.
9.melancholy-a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause:
10.earnestly-resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction:
11.dissolve-(with reference to a solid) become or cause to become incorporated into a liquid so as to form a solution
12.aggravate-make (a problem, injury, or offense) worse or more serious:
13.illuminate-help to clarify or explain (a subject or matter):
14.capillary-any of the fine branching blood vessels that form a network between the arterioles and venules.
15.proboscis-the nose of a mammal, especially when it is long and mobile, such as the trunk of an elephant or the snout of a tapir.

Sunday, October 2, 2016



okay I'll be honest I didn't want to watch that shit.. because its the same ohhhh same ohhhh bs and dumb asses being rude and unprofessional to each other! what I did instead was have a study group and study something's for my APUSH class... I just feel Hillary is our best bet for out next president because she seems like she has one extra cell of some kind of smartness... trump I feel is going to do everything he wants to do and not listen to the people as much or understand us our country....


Something I could not understand was that one of my co workers this weekend was talking about how she took the SAT this weekend and one of my managers asked what that was... Okay yea you are probably thinking well she is the manager at Wendy's stereo type yada yada shit but like COME ON! HOW does a person nowadays not know what the SAT is like did you not graduate from high school and teachers, counselors, and students worry or recommend that every student should take it ?! Damn what has this world come to but I mean if she enjoys spending most of her life working at Wendy's she can do that but.... Wendy's??


I'm going to be reading .... " the last song"


An Ideal mentor for me so far in my life is my mom. She's been my mother and father so far in my life and as inspired me to become something in life and not just an ordinary student that gradates high school and goes to college but make a huge career and become something huge. She has always wanted the best for me, she always tells me that she wants me to live a happy life. My mom always give me the examples of when I get disrespect from one of my piers, mangers, or so called adults she always says in the same exact words "see mija that's why I want you to go school and make something of your self and own something big so people will always respect you and you don't have to deal with peoples bs"


clever or skillful in using the hands or mind:
amicable-(of relations between people) having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement or rancor
averse-having a strong dislike of or opposition to something
cursory-hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed
extol-praise enthusiastically
feasible-possible to do easily or conveniently:
grimace- an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement
holocaust-destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war:
impervious-not allowing fluid to pass through:
impetus-the force or energy with which a body moves:
jeopardy-danger of loss, harm, or failure:
meticulous-showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise:
nostalgia-a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations
quintessence-the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class
retrogress-go back to an earlier state, typically a worse one
scrutinize-examine or inspect closely and thoroughly
tepid-showing little enthusiasm


- we give them what we want to receive
-everyone makes mistakes
-taking the chance
-there not its not going to get screwed up
-depends on situation
-"your best friend know can be a traitor tomorrow"
-understanding the guilt and feelings of loving trust


This picture explains everything... the reason why I haven't been doing my homework everyday my Junior year of high school. yup I know its a horrible reason but I'm enjoying my teen years because I feel like iv missed some of it these last 3 years of high school... not all of it because of course iv had all the high fun high school experience but damn the world is filled with amazing things I LOVE IT!

Thursday, September 29, 2016


         Sometimes the little things are important in life from someone wishing you a happy day to someone complementing your personality. Relationships between people if you know them well enough or not are really important. Building relationships makes the good connections people need to have trust. Without certain amount of trust within people things can go terribly down hill. For example patriotism shows how there is no bond or trust between people because of one individual having a strong opinion that doesn't help society. Believing in the having a strong relationship is truly the key for success in a country. People need to know what's going to happen and ways to improve on things that everyone has made mistakes on and learned from it to make it better.
         Can you imagine if everyone Hunan being has a mind set in patriotism then our country or society would not be who it is today? So agreeing with E.M Forster view would be the better choice because his view would benefit the country more then having someone show disrespect. His view represents how people can act  towards others and finding that bond and trust so help the country or society grow. Growing not only will happen to the people but to the other aspects from food companies to other business that people work in to make money and put food on the table. Past and present people can benefit from personal relations because it will let them know they are in good hands.
        People's personal relations I feel will always out number the opinions and wildness of a partisan person. Having a mind set on one particular goal or idea can ruin a country. Looking and seeing outsid the box and watching the surroundings of how people act towards others and seeing the relations grow shows how it is successful. When people communicate and share each others thoughts they also learn from it. They realize other ideas can make their own greater then how it started in the beginning. When people don't focus or try to hear other people's purposes,thought, or opinions it doesn't help growth. For example to the people that "want to make America great again " are practically avoiding that since they thing there's and only there idea will successed in that when it's not the case.
        Everyone as there different or similar likings. They also have there own ideas that that may benefit someone or the future in a type of way. But when people build the realtionship with others it shows how Peoole can truly care about something to the point they want it to go smoothly and correctly  rather then focus on one thing and only one thing which would be the love and determination they have for the country. Yes have the love but also show it by trying to make it be a great accomplishment rather then pushing for it to be " great again". In the long run people are always the ones involved and personal relationships will help because both sides will be understood to make one country see its flaws and greatnesses. The bond, trust, and determination will make the difference and change a success.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

With the homie

My English teacher hated the fact we had a minimum day because of the heat! while I loved it ! CLEARLY!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Thank you!

Today feels great why? I think it's because I woke up at 4:55am or 5:00am to finish up my time record for my APUSH class ! This is the feeling of success and satisfaction ! Oh and thank you Doc for making my day I really appreciate it!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

What people don't know or realize

I don't have a father. Just a man that lives in the same home that help create me.

Has my mind really come to this point ?

Have to make some changes

When my English teacher never sees my group members and I true selves for some odd reason. If he did he would probably hate us lol

Sorry for letting my heart spit its feelings or thoughts out

ugh this sucks a lot... the feeling of disappointment in myself. Its like an ache in my chest trying hold it self up... I don't understand why this year.. my junior year ! The year that really counts and is practically going to make my life happen.... shit I'm screwing up... Last year everything was finished on time I was doing the work that didn't need to be finish till the next day...What made me so lost? why did I suddenly fall when I warned myself your going to trip look out... but of course like every stupid person says "what" and falls straight into the warning...

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Hands over your heart now

I love this so much because I felt the true meaning, the power of our feelings and how passionate we can be about certain things. Adriana and I thought it was such an amazing feeling that when we had study group for APUSH we told our priors about it and tried doing it but it just became a laughing matter to the point we all gave up and continued to study (we never went back to studying). Well to the random people that read this! Greetings and you might be wondering what I'm talking about, so my English teacher (pretty cool guy) told us to put our hands over our heart,close our eyes and think about something you love or truly care about and listen, feel your heart. The vibes in the room was also am extraordinary moment I probably will never forget it. Thanks Doc!


     Mmmmm words...words.. sounds we say every day to describe our self, our feelings, our thoughts. According to google the "Word: is a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others" When I was young I was always taught that "bad words" were "bad" now I think really different at least I hope. The so called "bad words" of course have boundaries but I feel are meant to be used at the appropriate moment. For example I use foul language,  when I'm so angry or frustrated because to me those words just define the feeling of heat and emotion in that moment. Why? I don't know really why but that word is like matching piece to a puzzle. I feel when kids (teens) use them to try and fit in or use "Fucking" in between words just bugs the hell out of me! Like use your words man! Bunch of phonies!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Truth in language
integrity meets to inter great thought action
the use of language so we can trust him
  • people suck at writing now a days.
  • be creative with your writing

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Vocabulary #3 see first post of today .. i think


Well... I absolutely agree with Orwells because I feel writing should be understood and sound not so basic. This opened my eyes to actually use bigger vocabulary because I would like to sound intelligent and scare people that don't understand what the heck I'm saying. 

The words of my best friend that i love so dearly

when I feel down or hopeless my best friend is my motivation. Even when I crying about school but her wise words help me every time..... " Paloma stop being a little bitch"

My Random thoughts in class

so as I walked up into the front of my math class to ask for help on a problem I can not understand (obvi because I stated for help) I noticed something. My math teacher that sadly sucks but is a really great person, I will not mention names anyway it was a picture of a blender with "stress" inside of it which looked like a scribble blobby looking thing and said "you looked stressed". I'm not so sure I understood the metaphor or whatever you call it it was trying to prove but I got this thought or question in my little odd brain of mine. What does stress look like? If we can imagine it.... what would it be? A person, a voice, world, or a color? I want to know what stress looks like! I want to see what is in my head, what is the word I tell my self that I like! What does he/she or it look like? I don't want to google and click on images and then it shows a random boy making a fake angry "stressed" face at a book or a kid that is looking straight at the camera and looks like he's about to vomit! I write this to all who sees this because for some reason when I ask my self what does stress look like... I see something beautiful. Something so beautiful it can't be described, it cant even be seen by the human eye but if you look closely you can actually see it with your mind.

Todays Notes

Catharsis & Taboo
  • Archaism
  • slovenliness - sloppy messy
  • frivolous - silly or unnecessary
  • Jesuit - type of religion
  • egregious - a word I will use ASAP (it means very bad)
  • provocation-
  • chauvinistic
 "we can do better writing or showing what we are expressing"
- staleness of energy of imagery
-lack of precision
-dying metaphors

"people do the best they can with the information they have"

Friday, September 2, 2016

Satire project

Satire-the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

 So students need to NOT show their school spirit or pride at school. It's a waste of time and effort like why put your self through getting all dressed up and showing pride. Being involved in school is useless being in a club,sport, or even representing Santa Maria high school is the stupidest think ever. People don't need encouragement when they are playing a sport or having a competition for a club or something. Why even have clubs ? Why doesn't the district change the school colors to gray or not even have any colors. We don't need colors and also sports oh and clubs ! Students should not join or do anything just focus on school and homework. They should just learn and study all and then go home and do more school assignments. 
  School spirit or being involved will not help students later in life, it's a distraction. Being distracted from school which is very important is a horrible descion or thing to do. This none-sense won't help studentswith there career, working, or having a family. High school will later be a blur and will be remembered as just a memory not a great experience or fun time in a life. Just a time were you focused in school and remembered who much homework you had and didn't waste your time at a school event or meeting. Why enjoy your high school life when you have your career in your hands and should study for a test to get one more step closer to a successful future?
  No high school involvement won't just benifit students but also teachers. Teachers won't have to put the extra time into staying after school or worrying about advising a club or sport. Teachers will not have to take more responsibility then what they are paid for. All they would have to worry about is teaching students what they need to learn and give as much homework so they can do better in school. Teachers would only focus on teaching students new things and only important facts. Teachers also won't be distracted from thinking of teaching lessons and grading work that should be graded the day the assignment is due. Teachers will make it a goal to make students lives only about homework and school. Teachers will make students lives misable and show them school spirit or being involved isn't worth the time they put into it. Because again teachers will also prove and show how it's all useless. Students great experiences will happen later in life when they grow up and actually have there head screwed on straight. 
 Parents will agree on this because they want the best for there children. Parents will also benifit from this because they won't have to worry about taking there child to a sporting event, spending money on clothing such as uniforms or spirit gear, and also not have to worry about showing support for there child's school or child in general if there son or daughter was in a sport. Why waste time on money when children should be focusing in school do they can make money and save time for there career? Students shouldn't have to worry about anything else and also parents shouldn't be worrying about anything else just buying pencils and paper not athletic gear, spirit wear, or sporting gear. Parents will appreciate saving money, gas,and time. Students will thank teachers, parents, and themselves for not being envolved in clubs, sports , and the community. Because not wasting time on enjoying there teenage life and having fun in high school but instead looking forward to going to college and later making money and also worry about paying bills and feeding there family. School spirit  or being involved is not worth the time and effort because high school schools and students don't need it, what they do need is to learn. 

Lit analysis

Coming soon aka little later stay tuned

Saturday, August 27, 2016

If you read this you'll get confused

People tend to say more in a text or in writing then out loud. Afraid to see how the mind and their face expression reacts to the our thoughts and truth... Why is that? Why are we afraid to talk serious and let the true emotions just pore out?.... It's always fear why does fear have to burge in on the moments they have to know... Always when you want them to know... Sometimes you will never have the opportunity to tell how you truly feel till one day you can't hold it in anymore and again cover your face through a screen or a paper and let the your hand explain for you ..

Friday, August 26, 2016

The hacker

The hacker is basically every student or teenagers voice because of some adults always hating on us. I mean like I feel some adults think most teens are alike as in naĂŻve or they don't know anything. This poem explains how some older people don't realize how smart we can be and how much curiosity we are full of.  We hungar to be reconized like just another person not needing to be babied we can accept challenges. I also think it has more meaning of how people want to be heard without people's assumptions.

Sunday, August 21, 2016


This video made my mind open its eyes. People in this world are truly un-greatful because of how blind they are and can't see how truly blessed they are. Since I watched this video I always catch my self thinking of how much the wifi sucks or how my school tablet is such a horrible creation made by man and take that thought realize how people didn't have tablets or wifi like 30 years ago. We can get in contact with people all over the country in a min when before  for a FREAKEN dove had to send a message metaphorically speaking. Its amazing when you analyze our worlds technology and how far is has gotten and how it's going to continue.... What an amazing world we live in.

Friday, August 19, 2016


My big question is why do we trust and take risks for people when we know the outcome isn't going to be so great? Is it because we have hope or care for them in our heart that much? Or maybe we just give them the benefit of the doubt... So sad how we live in a great extraordinary world were we can't trust People even those you've known for quiet sometime. Why do I believe in second chances whern others don't give chances? Do you believe in second chances?

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

What the hell does Satire even mean?

I think this is my first source because according to Google it says it's when someone is shaming another  individual in a  humerous away or something like that ! I choose this picture of Kanye and Taylor because it was the first thing that popped in my head when Kanye totally humiliated Swift because he thought BeyoncĂ©  deserve the award more than she did.
To me this is another examples of satire maybe because it's showing how the picture is suppose to be humerous but reality is it's not because it's true. I'm not totally sure but this word seems to have a negative meaning to me so far. I say this because the definitions and pictures are kind of depressing unless I'm not see the whole Idea
 I'm using this photo as an example because they had a little fued and shamed each other.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Wanted to share this photo I took a few years ago when I went to New York. It was the most marvelous experience I have had so far in my life, this is a photo I took without a thought of how later it would become so beautiful in my eyes.

Greetings to you all !

Welcome to my blog! This is the place you will see my work for my AP English class but also my strange random thoughts and maybe some quotes I like! I plan on having a different quote up on the top each week. So maybe I should tell you a little about my self my name is Paloma Ronquillo I'm 17 years of age and I'm a junior in high school. One thing about me is I love to have fun all the time and try to always keep a smile and my head up. One goal I have in my life is do something extraordinary in the world. I don't know what I want to do
Yet or what I am going to do but I'm thinking big. I want to impact lives and receive the impact right back. I'm very involved in school to the point people think I'm crazy a little.. I'm in ASB, Linkcrew, FFA, class president and I also do sports. I love to be involved and I plan to do more actually and get involved with CASL which is basically California's ASB and maybe become a FFA state officer one day... Yea I want to do a lot because I want to build better leadership skills I can take with me in life. One of my biggest goals is to go to Stanford straight out of high school or NYU I want to leave this little town and explore what's out there. That's only a page of my book and I wouldn't want to bore you with the rest ...
I literally spent almost 2 hours designing my blog instead of doing my homework....