Sunday, December 11, 2016


      Can only remember only certain moments of our lives that are random when we were children. Like if you think about it its so random but something I our mind ticked that moment to stored in our brain. I wish I could physically watch moments like that like a move. OH and another thing I really wish I could see how I look through someone else's eyes. I heard when you look in the mirror you look little different then you see yourself..... SHIT that means I am uglier then I look!


 Remember that time you ate that spicy shrimp just before you went to bed on the night before the big Party?  Oh, that weird dream you had about the 2016 presidential election.  When you woke up you couldn't quite remember the Extraordinary details, but after reading "On Self-Reliance" and "A Sound of Thunder" it's all coming back to you now.

The dream started badly.  You were in line with your family at a room waiting to be sent to boarding school.  Everywhere you looked there were posters of president-elect Justin Bieber, looking like a crazy kangaroo who could eat a whole heaifer.  

Suddenly, there was Ralph Waldo Emerson telling you, "every heart vibrate to that iron strings"  You realized that you have something to contribute to the world so you decided to change.  But it wasn't easy.  First you had to put on a fancy hat and cat and then you had make a cake to go back in time to the library so you could convince people to learn about the candidates and the global warming.

But right there in the crowd there was a giant bear and it started smiling at everyone.  People started to scream.  You grabbed a frog from a nearby walmart and yelled I believe .  Everyone stopped and listened, so you kept going.

 believe you are truly amazing because you are a walking work of art. Stop lying to yourself and convince yourself everything you keep saying your not. Worthless, nothing, shit, and horrible when reality is your freaken great! Why keep tearing your heart apart why you should be trying to make it bigger! Seriously stop it! You think your mom when be proud of you for ripping yourself apart and not accepting a positive complement about yourself uhhhh I don't think so.....

Vignette in time..

  Twilight saga was freaken amazing! Everyone in theaters wearing their Team Edward and Team Jacob shirts loving but hating each other. I miss when it was a Twilight faze for a while.... #TeamEdward

Emeresons Child

          Emerson would be so disappointed in all students and teachers. Students are totally the opposite of self reliant. Emerson would try to inspire everyone to stop trying to be like everyone else. High school lives for some reason always seem like they want to be wanted to fit in. When they should just be the perfect soul they are. Emerson would tell students that school is the place you should able to set your mind, inner self, and art free. Its where your mind is open and takes in beautiful new things.
         Emerson's view and for careers aspirations on for our school would be to change our schools environment. Not the way it looks because we practically live there but to change the way students think. He clearly wants everyone to follow their dreams and passions. I think if he was a teacher at Santa Maria High school would have a really high percent rate of students doing the careers they truly want to do. Why make people proud when your going to live 80ish years and your going to have live with being a something you don't want to be and are not! Like what? No sounds super depressing but its the sad reality of some peoples lives that don't want to disappoint.
       Emerson would suggest I do the first passion that come to mind after high school. He'd believe that if school isn't it then why do it. Students will be motivated to show the living talents to the world like every peace of art that walks the earth.

An Earth Shattering Fart

The sound of thunder was astonishing! I think it really unlocks readers minds of viewing about faint can work in crazy ass ways. I liked this story because it kept asking your mind "whats next?!" I thought it was pretty messed up Travis killed Eckels because I feel he was so harmful. Eckels reminded me of a little Chihuahua, shakes gets nervous for everything and gullible. This story was pretty cool...

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Immigrants in our own land (groupness)

A. When I read Jessica's blog I didn't imagine the poem the way she described it, but I guess I kind of see it now.... I thought of it more of a persons expectations are not always the way they expect to see them. People are told about certain things in the world that will benefit one person of what they want but not see the other view or side of the other, for example "it's going to help and benefit you later in life" or " these changes are better then yours" which is bull shit for SOME thing's because not ALL sides are being understood. I feel it all depends on the individual. I feel this poem is more of how immigrants feel and are treated. They are treated as if they are prisoners, handled like criminals, rapist, and worthless. Won't develop and advance to the "American World" yennow the feeling of "making America great again" (damn it Donald). I like they way Santiago is describing his feelings through his eyes, showing us as if we are him. Also showing the reality and big picture how people are really fucked up to each other without noticing or considering what they truly deserve, which is respect, seeing how everyone has their own problems, or realization of how people move to different places for a better life.

B. The theme of this poem I feel is the reality of life to everyone, not just immigrants. I was told the answer is false hope. I may be wrong but I feel its more then that, it shows us how sometimes we expect things in life to go smoothly or work out great but that's not how it works because this world sucks at times. Expect the un-expected. I say its the reality of life because everyone in some, most, one part of their life is treated like a "prisoner".
     The mood for me is not depressing or sad but mind blowing and mind explosion. It's like this poem tells it how it is, no roses are red violets are blue life sucks just like you type of poem. ( I mean its not telling us in a sweet or horrible way I guess). I see how Santiago compares his not so great and failed life to people are or so called successful.
    The Devices are symbolism and free verse. He expressed his opinion and facts in a very touching way..... shows us the real world of bitter and sweet life.

C. I don't know what to change because my questions and answers... well mainly my questions always change. But I guess one is, Why are people treated so horrible specially people that come around the world for a better life? My question will never be factually answered in a life time sadly...