Monday, November 7, 2016


Leslie: Twenty one pilots quotes
-stressed out we don't realize what we have when we are young and when we are younger we don't care what people think
-heathens don't follow social norm
-we don't believe that's on tv
holding on to you
Tyler joseph could have been talking about how society twists the things the way he says things
-clear fake face because he's scared for people to judge him for who he really is
Opinion- connected with her because its her favorite band

thinks people should be more self Reliant but at the same time doesn't agree because we still continue to do the things and don't change

Cesar: GENUS
when you become something big like a boss stay true to your self and don't change

Katryna and ...: pictures of how everyeone doesnt go there own way

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

One teacher that has really impacted my life

"Do your best and push through the struggles. I believe in you! You have true natural talent."

                                                                                                                                     - Mr.Soto


Dr. Preston's English Language & Composition 2016-2017: i just sued the school system: Thanks Leo for sharing this:


okay honey, you see this rock this represents you and do you see the other rocks? Well those represent your friends, family, and people in this world. Now lets look at this rock I am holding see how it looks almost the same as the others, well its not. This rock has different colors in different places and it's a different shape. It may be similar but it is its own little rock, it may sometimes try to roll with other rocks or try to be another rock but it always stays the same, but if it doesn't let a bigger rock break it or make it another color. This little rock is Special in its own way, it was formed to be different. You are the rock, why? Because you are a unique little one and one day kids at school or grown ups will try to bring you down with words or make you feel really sad. But when things like that happen you have to remember you are you and only you. Don't care what they say because you are the strong rock that rolls the opposite way, likes the fact that you have different colors and different chips. Stay the diamond you really are, you just continue to smile and shine like your suppose to be.

How our Socratic Seminar went...


Socratic Seminar (when Doc tells us to continue it from yesterday)

" I hate this shit" -Kissel

Emerson and I opinion

I really think Emerson is not just trying to say the basic "Be yourself" crap! I feel he's tryna get it though one individual of how special they really are. Everyone in my eyes is their own unique person and just have a different way about them self. I understand what Leslie was trying to say in class but I just feel this is different and it actually spoke to a lot of people because to me what I understood was "Stop being a dumbass and trying to be like someone else. Do what makes you feel happy because you are the only person that can make yourself happy, forget everyone's shit. If you want to go cliff diving then fuck it just do it" Shout out to Bridget ! For summing everything up and making it sound so beautiful! your statement was amazing love! you have the most amazing voice why? because your opinions, ideas, and thoughts FREAKEN AWESOME!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Self-Relience qoutes from class (EMERSON SAID IT)

"In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts they came back to us with a certain alienated majesty.Great works of art have no more affecting lesson for us than this"
" every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events. "
( this spoke to me because the methapor and how it gave me the inspired feeling  I cant describe
"Meantime nature is not slow to equip us in the prison-uniform of the party to which we adhere."
(its not just a basic way to tell you to be your self its a unique way)
""Ne te quaesiveris extra."
"We are society" -Dr.Preston 
"Everyman ..." (people will change)

I'm self-Relient

•writing for adults not teens or children
•Learn helpless
•so inspiring makes me feel a little more confident about myself or just the look on others.
"In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts they come back to us with I certain alienated majesty. Great works of art have no affecting lesson for us than this."

Author in Progress

I feel my writing could have been way better because I didn't fully read the whole essay and didn't truly understand same of his coolness. I do know I tried my hardest on answering the questions I feel I did well on getting the main points across and Ass a little opinion. I can improve by asking more questions in class and looking for examples or asking others.